[022] Your creative kickstart for 2019: Sunday - Your power moves: A compelling plan for success - The Big Bang Partnership

[022] Your creative kickstart for 2019: Sunday – Your power moves: A compelling plan for success



The objective of this final session is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning from this programme, bring the stand-out elements from your perspective together, and help you to create a plan for action and further learning.


In the Crucial Core you will learn about some really valuable evidence-based approaches based on behavioral science to help you to successfully progress the work that you have begun on this programme.

Your Idea Time provides you with an activity to help you put the principles from the Crucial Core into action.


1. To increase your chances of achieving your goal, create a clear vision for it.

2. Having a clear vision for your goal is not enough. You also need to pre-empt the obstacles that you will likely encounter and then plan for them in advance.

3. Breaking your goal down into a maximum of 5 Power Moves will also increase your chances of success.

4. Making a public commitment to achieve your goal also substantially improves the probability that you will attain your aspiration.

Research shows that people who are successful in achieving their goals both set a specific goal, and then make a plan for how they are going to achieve it.


Research, for example by Gabriele Oettingen, from New York University and the University of Hamburg – shows that people who are successful in achieving their goals both set a specific goal, and then make a plan for how they are going to achieve it.

An important part of making the plan is to do something called ‘mental contrasting’. This means having a clear vision for your goal, and a realistic assessment of the obstacles you’re likely to face on the way and pre-emptive strategies for how you will overcome them. This is because having an inspiring vision without thinking of the obstacles makes us feel too comfortable, and gets in the way of us putting in the work in the way that we need to.

When you make your plan to achieve your goal, breaking it down into no more than 5 smaller plans will also enhance your likelihood of achievement. This is for 2 reasons:

  1. The overall goal feels more manageable.
  2. You have greater visibility of the specific things you need to do.

To increase your chances of success still further, committing to achieve your goal to other people, especially those who matter to you, will make a significant difference.


Now it’s time to put the Crucial Core into practice to help you succeed.

1. Review all the great work that you have done on this programme. Revisit your notes
from your Idea Time activities, and go back to your SOAR analysis. Write a statement
that summarizes the next big goal that you want to achieve as a result of Idea Time –
Creative Kickstart for 2019 using these sentence-completion prompts:

My overall goal is to:


I commit to achieving this goal by [insert date]:


I will share my goal with these 3 people to improve my likelihood of success:


2. The key obstacles I’m likely to face are:


3. If and when these obstacles happen, I will overcome them by:


4. The 5 Power Moves that will help me to achieve my goals are:


Congratulations on your fantastic work throughout this programme.

Well done on seeing it through to the end and making a plan for your continued success.

Share your commitment with me in the comments section online so that as a community we can cheer you on!

I would also love to hear from you personally. Do email me at jo@ideatime.co.uk to let me know how you’ve got on.


Sign up HERE to join the IOEE accredited 12 week Idea Time® one-to-one business coaching and online innovation programme that has already helped many entrepreneurs and business people just like you!

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